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Register or call +251 1 113 724347.
To book your place on a course, please complete the booking form or if you would like any further information, please email us at or call +251 1 113 724347 to speak to our team. Our terms and conditions can be viewed here.

Register now

    1st delegate
    2nd delegate
    Booking contact
    1st delegate2nd delegateOther (please fill in details below)


    Course fees

    You may pay by cheque, cash or bank transfer, 25% on booking and 75% seven days before the start of the course or delegate attendance may be declined. The Academy of Advanced Media Training will accept payment by the following methods:

    1. Cheque – please make payable to “Fortune Engineering PLC” and mail cheque along with your completed application form to the address below. Please write your purchase order number on the reverse of the cheque.
    2. Bank Transfer – Zemen Bank S.C., Josif Tito Avenue, P.O. Box 1212, Kirkos Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Account Name: Fortune Engineering PLC Account: 1035110024530028 SWIFT code: ZEMEETAAXXX

    Please use your purchase order number as the payment reference.

    Cheque – please find enclosedI will be paying by bank transfer
    Invoicing Address
    I confirm I am authorized to make this booking on behalf of my organization and that I accept to the Academy of Advanced Media Training Terms and Conditions.

    Please return this form by fax, email or post to:

    The Academy of Advanced Media Training

    (A Fortune Engineering PLC company)

    Worke’s Promise Building, K-06 W-04 Hno-485 N. Lafto Subcity
    P.O. Box: 22856 Code 1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    Tel.: +251 1 113 724347
    Fax: +251 1 113 724348